Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How to start managing your offering?? by understanding your product/offering

How do you go about understanding where you stand??

If you are wondering on to manage your product/offering.
Here are the questions you need to ask (hope this serves as a template for you) :-
1) What all do you offer to customers in that product/offering?  lets call it offering XYZ ?
2) How easy it is for customer who has some idea that he/she is interested in XYZ ?
3) How easy it is for customer to find everything related to XYZ ?
4) What are others ( competitors) offering in the field of XYZ ?
5) What are the gaps in XYZ offering as compared to competitors?
6) Are those gaps worth chasing?
7) What is the scope of improving current offering XYZ?
8) What else do customer demand or ask for when they order XYZ?
9) What are the pain points for customers of XYZ?
10) What is the data related to customer orders ( time , location, price points, industry, motivation  e.t.c ) regarding XYZ orders
11) Return on investment on the changes you want top bring
12) Cost to company of the not doing bringing those changes or of bringing those changes (resources, time, finances, marketing, reputation, e.t.c.)
13) growth rate
14) market predictions
15) domain knowledge and data around that domain
16) adaptability of the customer
17) what could replace your offering ? any threat of becoming obsolete?
18) customers drivers(motivation) and restraints when their think about XYZ
19) are there any compliance issues regarding XYZ that you solve (can solve)
20) and probably the most important one .. User experience!!
21) Benchmark your offerings 

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